Hey folks,
If you don’t know, I switched to RSS lately. It was end of 2024 and my inbox was flooded with 13k emails. I know I subscribed too much and didn’t read them, it’s my mistake. And I don’t think I can keep up with the world’s pace of producing content.
Almost everyday I’ll wake up with at least 3 new blog posts/newsletters in my inbox. If I start my day by reading that, sometimes I’ll end up going into a rabbit-hole of inter-linked posts. If I don’t read it, soon after they will move on to my unread emails and will end up in next page which I never look.
I felt like it was too junky. I subscribed to newsletters and blogs posts because I liked the content and the author. But I just can’t keep up with all of them. Practically, I don’t need to consume all of these contents.
That’s when it clicked. Why not I take a look at these blogs only when I have some time to spare?
But I just can’t remember all the URLs, I need some sort of notification system that passively notifies me when something new published. And I ended up with good’ole RSS.
By just setting up RSS reader, I’m now catching up with these posts only on weekends. I have the ability to bookmark or delete a post based on my interest. My email inbox is now clutter free and I don’t have that constant irritation of having unread emails in my inbox.
I did notify most of the authors I follow by emailing them that I’m unsubscribing from the email list, but still follow with RSS.
PS: That’s why I don’t have email subscription set up in my blog.
I can, but I won’t :)
If you have any thoughts regarding my migration to RSS or if you need some guidelines to setup your own RSS readers, feel free to email me - hem@hemath.dev